#What Do I Know About Rare Diseases ?

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How many national rare disease networks exist in France?

The organisation of care is structured into 23 rare disease health systems (FSMR).

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#What Do I Know About Rare Diseases ?

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What is the impact of rare diseases on couples?

Couple's difficulties are frequent among sick people and parents of sick children. 72% of the people concerned express couple's difficulties, including 37% of high tensions, separations or divorces.

To find more, go on Maladies Rares Info Service.

#What Do I Know About Rare Diseases ?

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What social risk is most frequently observed on rare disease patients?

According to the Rare Disease Observatory's 2015 survey, half of the people surveyed indicate that the sick person feels isolated from friends and close relatives because of their illness.

#What Do I Know About Rare Diseases ?

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What are the consequences of rare diseases on patients' mental health?

According to the Rare Disease Observatory's 2015 survey, 62% of people suffering from rare diseases suffer from depressive episodes, seizures or behavioural disorders. According to the same survey, 1 out of 3 sick people are offered psychological care.

To know more on this subject, check Maladies Rares Info Service.

#What Do I Know About Rare Diseases ?

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What is the impact of a rare disease on work?

According to the survey of the Rare Disease Observatory dating from 2015, the pathology leads 50% of sick people and parents of minor children to not or no longer work and 25% to temporarily interrupt their professional activity.


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#What Do I Know About Rare Disease ?

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School and rare disease: how many sick people attending school have benefited from specific support or school facilities?

According to the Rare Disease Observatory's survey of 2015, 42% of people with rare diseases attending school benefits from specific accompaniment or educational arrangements.
60% of people confronted with the educational body (patients or parents of patients) feel that they have been well, or even very well, welcomed and listened to by the educational teams.

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#What Do I Know About Rare Diseases ?

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School and rare disease: Which law rules the conditions of reception of sick people attending school?

The Disability Act of 11 February 2005 on "Equal rights and opportunities, participation and citizenship of persons with disabilities" stipulates that every person with a disability has the right of help from the entire national community, which, by virtue of this obligation, guarantees him or her access to the recognized fundamental rights of all citizens, including the right to education.

More informations on Maladies Rares Info Service.

To know more about the Disability Act of 11 February 2005