10 winners of the 2020 call for projects

The Fondation des Entreprises du Médicament rewards the winners of its call for projects, launched in January 2020, on the theme of "the emergence of innovative solutions in healthcare pathways and their appropriation by beneficiaries".

Endowed with €250,000 for this call for projects, the Leem Foundation's objective was to reward programmes relating to :

- Taking into account health behaviours and determinants of health
- Identification and detection of weak signals and risk situations
- Actions to strengthen education and therapeutic adherence.

The Leem Foundation received 67 files from non-profit organisations of general interest, 10 files were selected by the Executive Committee of the Foundation.

The Fondation des Entreprises du Médicament rewards the winners of its call for projects, launched in January 2020, on the theme of "the emergence of innovative solutions in healthcare pathways and their appropriation by beneficiaries".

Endowed with €250,000 for this call for projects, the Leem Foundation's objective was to reward programmes relating to :

- Taking into account health behaviours and determinants of health
- Identification and detection of weak signals and risk situations
- Actions to strengthen education and therapeutic adherence.

The Leem Foundation received 67 files from non-profit organisations of general interest, 10 files were selected by the Executive Committee of the Foundation.

Discover the 10 winning projects :
- C3SI - Confédération régionale des centres de santé des Pays de la Loire (Pays de la Loire Regional Confederation of Health Centres): Regional polypathology therapeutic education project "Moi et la maladie" (Me and the disease)
- Osmose health network (Paris Ile-de-France): Access to healthcare for people in vulnerable situations in the south 92
- Association Proses (Paris Ile-de-France): Promoting access to care for users of psychoactive products in the general practitioner's office
- Groupe Hospitalier Universitaire Paris - Psychiatrie & Neuroscience (GHU Paris) (Pa-ris Ile-de-France) : Psychosocial support for people in exile in France (APEX) - Pilot study for an intervention research
- Association Ithaque (Haut-Rhin): Accommodation device backed by a low-risk drinking room
- RELAIS VIH (Aveyron): Mediation in social health and support for people living with HIV
- Robert-Debré University Hospital (Paris Ile-de-France): Implementation and evaluation of the "AD'venir" Days
- Alliance Malades Rares : Experimental Project Companions Rare Diseases
- Prepsy: Reinforcement of therapeutic adherence through case management, digital mental health and the increase of capacities in ordinary environments.
- ADSF - Agir pour la santé des femmes : Reinforcing therapeutic adherence through case management, digital mental health and capacity building in the ordinary environment.

Always attentive to the management of rare diseases, BlueDil draws your attention to the winning project carried by the Alliance Maladie Rare: Compagnons Maladies Rares, a support to health autonomy in rare diseases. Patients or caregivers concerned by a rare disease have been recruited and trained in support. They are in charge of offering local support with the aim of mobilising their capacity to act to become actors in their life course and to acquire better decision-making autonomy.

To know more : https://www.leem.org/presse/innover-dans-le-parcours-de-sante-des-patients-la-fondation-des-entreprises-du-medicament

[1 month, 1 rare disease, 1 organization] Thalassemia

Every month, BlueDil focus on a different rare and severe disease.


Rare disease of this month: thalassemia.

Thalassaemia is a disease of the blood, more precisely of the haemoglobin, which affects red blood cells. It is a genetic disease that is transmitted by both parents (healthy carriers of the genetic abnormality). More present in certain geographical areas (North Africa, Mediterranean Basin, Asia) it is thought that its appearance coincides with the presence of malaria.


How is the disease manifested?

The gene that programmes the production of haemoglobin will produce haemoglobin in very small quantities and inefficiently. There are several forms of thalassaemia. The minor forms are normally asymptomatic.
In the intermediate and major forms, hemoglobin is produced in insufficient quantity, which will result in very severe anemia that will be fatal if untreated.

For more information, click here


Bringing together experts from various sectors, it aims to identify the challenges of this new discipline, to prepare for them and to better anticipate them.

Sylvain Forget, President of BlueDil, gave a speech to build together a common response to the challenges of gene and cell therapies.

A big thank you to Pharmaceutiques and the other speakers for a rich day in exchange and sharing.


Every year, BlueDil organizes a Wargame for students at Paris Saclay University : a 3 days simulation of work experience in a company !
Fictive company but real work and missions : the student must proves themself capable of handling the stakes of their new jobs, and develop the company.

With the help of severals professionals, they have 3 days to complete this challenge.

An immersive experience to gain real work assets.

To now more about Wargame, visit : https://www.bluedil.fr/people

La 3e Révolution Biotech - Quels outils pour renforcer la place de la France ?

BlueDil est présent au débat "La 3e Révolution Biotech - Quels outils pour renforcer la place de la France ?"

Après l’émergence des produits biologiques, puis des thérapies ciblées, la troisième révolution, celle des thérapies cellulaires et des différentes approches de thérapie génique, pose la question de la pérennité des biotechs et des politiques à adopter pour renforcer la place de la France et développer son attractivité.

BD International is on a US roadshow!

BlueDil Int’l is on a roadshow in the New York area until the 12th of February.
BlueDil int’l syndicates a network of consulting companies and experts, best-in-class in their specific domains. They all have a successful track record in the orphan environment.

We supports companies and organizations committed to delivering tailored solutions to people suffering from rare diseases, irrespective of the complexity of the situation in Europe globally and in local countries specifically.
BlueDil int’l customizes its approach to conduct a wide range of strategic and operational missions, whatever the stage in the product development / market access in Europe.

We can't wait to meet you and your challenges!

Contact us at dominique@bluedil.fr

Rare disease day !

Only a few days left until Rare Disease Day.

On this occasion, the BlueDil team shows its true colours and raises its hands to raise awareness about rare diseases.
To know more about this day : https://www.rarediseaseday.org/